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Septagram (c) SylenielGatherings Septagram (c) Syleniel Elenari Websites Septagram (c) Syleniel

button For questions about us or other things, send a message to webmistress at

button For contributions to the language write to Estara

button If you are interested in a private Elenari-only mailing list, created to discuss issues pertinent to us, this list is for you. It is primarly for those who already sure they are Elenari, and is run by the webmistress, Syleniel. Please send an introductory note to the . Please let us know how you found out about the list (i.e. this page), what you hope to share with the list, and what you hope to gain from the list.

Please send an introductory note before sending a subscription request. Subscription requests from people who have not send an intro will be denied.

button If you would be interested in a public elenari list, see this link for elenaripaths, owned by Zaran Ri'il aka Seran De'Fae.

button Nilynshura runs a list for Kin who are at or beyond the pysical age of 30 called OlderKin. It is a mature, balanced and well run list. While not Elenari specific, some of our older cousins are there, and the conversation is enjoyable.

button Some of us are on instant messengers. On Windows I use and recommend Trillian because it connects to everything - MSN, AIM, ICQ, Yahoo and IRC Download Trillian!

When on the Linux side of my PC, I use and recommend Kopete, which connects to all Instant Messengers and IRC. Alternatively, for IRC on Linux, I use KVirc. Both programs are available for free download.

button F.A.E. hosts an IRC channel #fae on Visit the F.A.E. site for more information.

button To find out who is on which instant messenger, visit the Contact section of
or the Members page of F.A.E.

button Up until 2004, Syleniel was the co-moderator of elenari-and-friends, owned by Adara. The list owner has not done any administration of the list since December of 1999. Since subscriptions require moderator approval, you may have to wait a while to get approved if your request is ever looked at. List traffic will likely be very low. Browser beware ;)


Septagram (c) Syleniel Top Septagram (c) Syleniel Elenari Websites elfstar (c) Syleniel

Gatherings of Magical Beings

button Dancing the Endless Dream
A spiritually and magically oriented retreat focused on reincarnated non-humans.
Annually during Memorial Day in May near Houston, Central Texas, USA
(Hosted by the webmaestro & friends)

button F.A.E Retreat
Retreat for members of the Foundation for Awakening and Enlightenment
Annually during Labor Day weekend in September near Houston, Central Texas, USA

button Kinvention North
A celebration of the vernal equinox, held annually in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, by and for the Otherkin.
Annually in mid-March in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

button Walking the Thresholds
A gathering for those who are not necessarily of human kind, but feel more toward a mythic flow, be they Elven, Fae, etc. The gather's purpose is to provide an interface between differing communities of folk that may have no communication otherwise.
Summer Solstice Celebration yearly in June, Artemas, Pennsylvania, USA

This is a small selection of Otherkin gatherings I thought would be of specific interest to the Elenari.
For information on other Gatherings, please visit:

button Otherkin.Net's Gathering List


Septagram (c) Syleniel Top Septagram (c) Syleniel Gatherings elfstar (c) Syleniel

Where the Elenari can be found around the Net:

bullet Kelurian's Vale

"This is my sanctuary, a quiet space for discussion and enlightenment."
This site, unfortunately, is down. Kelurian, if you're out there, please write. In the meanwhile, I will archive the information about Elenari orthography.

bullet The Morrigan's Blessing - Estara

bullet Iseum of the Green World- Estara

bullet Shadow Dreams: The Writings of Ravenfeathers

bullet Arhuaine's LiveJournal

ivy bar
Last updated: February 01, 2005

Comments are encouraged, be they about site design, what's here,
what could be added, what you'd like to see, questions on the information etc.

Septagram-the Elven Star